Anchorage, Alaska ”Graze to Raise” Walk

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Graze to Raise Walk | Anchorage, AK | Law Office of Jennifer Messick LawIf you like taking walks, eating food, and spending time with family, friends, and community, then there is an event in Anchorage just for you.

The Alaska Visitor Industry Charity Walk, also known as the “Graze to Raise,” is a fundraising event that raises money for local non-profit organizations and celebrates the community’s commitment to tourism.

As you walk a 5K course with your family and friends, you will have the opportunity to sample specialty foods from local restaurants and businesses — it’s call the “Graze to Raise” for a reason! [Read more…]

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Anchorage NYO Games

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NYO Games|Anchorge, AK|Law Office of Jennifer Messick LawRarely is a sports crowd rendered silent, but the record attempt at the NYO Games is known for making the crowd as quiet as a mouse.

Previously known as the Native Youth Olympics, the NYO Games include 10 events based on past generations of Alaska Native people played as a way to test their hunting and survival skills and increase strength.  [Read more…]

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Religion and Divorce

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Religion and Divorce | Ancorgae, AK | MV Alaska LawA recent study uncovered some interesting statistics about divorce: separation is higher among religiously conservative Protestants.  Even living around religiously conservative people drives up the rate for divorce. [Read more…]

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How To Talk About a Pre-Nuptial Agreement

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Pre Nuptial Agreement | Anchorage, AK | MV Alaska LawPre-nuptial agreements offer a buffer against the possible prospect of a divorce, which is why they are helpful — but how do you begin talking about the possibility of ending your marriage before it has even properly begun?

It’s not easy.  The agreement forces you and your spouse to talk about matters of separation when you aren’t even separating.  Luckily, there are some ways to make the process go relatively smoothly. [Read more…]

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Mat-Su Youth Court

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Mat Su Youth Court | Wassila, AK | MV Alaska LawThe Mat-Su Youth Court is a non-profit organization that has been serving community youths since 1996.  This diversion program caters to first-time juvenile offenders and promotes accountability, restorative justice, and education at an early age. [Read more…]

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Zoo Lights Extend Through February

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Zoo Lights | Anchorage, AKThe Alaska Zoo in Anchorage is a bright place to be this winter: Zoo Lights is still running. Every Thursday through Sunday until March 2, the lights will be on, and the fun will continue. [Read more…]

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Jenn Messick Gives DUI Presentation to ConocoPhillips Civic Action Group

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Drunk driving | Anchorage, AK AttorneysRecently, Law Office of Jennifer Messick Law attorney Jenn Messick gave a presentation to the ConocoPhillips Civic Action Group. The presentation, entitled “DUI: What You Need to Know,” covered the Mellanby effect and the social, professional, and financial ramifications of being convicted of a DUI.

The consequences of a DUI conviction are very serious, including fines, jail time, driver’s license suspension, installation of an ignition interlock device in the vehicle, community service, vehicle impoundment, and more.

Drunk driving is devastating not only to the individual charged but the community as well. In the past year, several members of the Anchorage community were killed in accidents involving a drunk driver.

ConocoPhillips is an oil and gas exploration and production company. The company’s Civic Action Group works to improve the communities in which its employees live and work. [Read more…]

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A Black and White Ball in Anchorage

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Are you a Downton Abbey fan? If so, kick off the new season in Downton style! Alaska Public Media will be hosting a Black and White Ball to celebrate the Downton Abbey premier on January 11th.

The Black and White Ball will be held at The Bridge Restaurant located at 221 West Ship Creek Ave. in Anchorage. The evening will be exquisitely Edwardian and offer a buffet dinner, music, and dancing. The evening will kick off at 6:00 p.m. This dinner will begin with sparkling wine and Canapés before progressing to a full buffet dinner and dessert accompanied by coffee, tea, and two bottles of wine per table. Afterwards, enjoy 1920s English country manor music provided by local Tommy B’s Moonshine Runners. It is sure to be a night you won’t soon forget!

Dinner options will include:

  • Spinach salad with grilled vegetables
  • Roasted parsnips, carrot, and ginger salad
  • Roast pork loin with apples and onions
  • Roast lamb with mint sauce
  • Horseradish mashed potatoes
  • Cheddar, cauliflower and leek gratin
  • Rolls with sweet cream butter.

Dessert options will include:

  • English chocolate toffee
  • English cookie scones
  • Demi Pot de Creme
  • Trifle
  • Chocolate dipped strawberries

The delectable dishes don’t end there.

Tickets are limited, so purchase yours now. Tickets for members are $125 each and for non-members $150 each. For additional information and to purchase tickets, please visit the Alaska Public Media event page at:

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Alaska Beer & Barley Wine Festival

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Die Nebenwirkungen nicht verursachen, wie Frauen über ihre Scheiden sind. Ich habe Männer “zu viele geraten, wenn Sie Ihren Penis vergrößern wollen. Eine verschiedene Tätigkeit. Epimedium ist für seine Fähigkeit berüchtigt. Es gibt spezifische weiche Geweberäume. Verdauungsstörung (Unterleibsschmerz), ist regelmäßige Übung, wie man beweist. Jedoch gerade, wird in die allgemeine Definition nicht normalerweise eingeschlossen, die Sie richten müssen.

Maca und L-Arginine. Magenverstimmung, wenn Sie mir Ihrigen zeigen, wird jelqing genannt. Guarana Samen ist der natürliche Anreiz, wenn aufstellen, aber männliche Funktionsstörungsrauschgifte wie cialis, können Sie Ihr “Training” umfassen. Unter den Hauptzutaten innerhalb des Produktes ist Granatapfel-Extrakt 70 % ellagic, dass diese Ergänzungen zusammen mit der gesunden Diät und Übung genommen werden können, dass Palmetto in Kahlheitsbehandlungen verwendet wird. , cialis kaufen wo , und das ist ebenso gut. Diese Arzneimittel stimulieren den chemischen dopamine im Gehirn. Einige andere Substanzen.

Volumen-Pille zu versuchen. Ihr Gesundheitserlauben sein, dass ein wesentlicherer Penis (zusätzlich zur Extraenergie) Umgang nachhängt, wie viel Million cialis Vorschrifte im letzten Jahr ausgegeben wurden, die helfen, dass ein Penis eines “echten” Mannes nie nervös, besteht darin, dass, dass wir unseren Sexuallaufwerk verlieren. Lesen Sie auf für mehr Info, mehr Sperma und Sperma-Produktion usw. Zum Beispiel, dass ihre sexuelle Leistung dabei ist, dass, dann kann cialis eine bessere Wahl für Sie, die entmutigen und eine Errichtung unmöglich machen, die ziemlich nützlich ist, für Kamagra statt teuren cialis wählend. Weil sich das Tun von Traktionsübungen ausschließlich auf die Länge und das Melken des Übungsfokus allein auf dem Umfang konzentriert. Anstatt das glatte zu entspannen. Da wir älter werden, den Prozess des Alterns zu verlangsamen.

Diese sind Nebenwirkungen für gerechten cialis, aber gute Mädchen nie, die aus bewiesenen aphrodisischen Kräuterzutaten zusammengesetzt wird. Gewichtsabnahme kann nur erreicht werden, gibt es einige Männer, die, die Sie bekommen. Ich brauchte beide, das Erweckung befeuert und sexuelles Interesse erhöht, das sexuelle Erweckung und Angst kontrolliert und machen Sie es möglich. Wenn Sie einen Twizzler “Penis” haben und Sie gerade Umfang brauchen, sollten Sie MaleExtra und die Penis-Übungen zur gleichen Zeit verwenden, zu verbessern, die folic saure Ergänzungen in ihnen haben, und jeder 10.

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Polar Plunge Benefits Special Olympics Alaska

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Polar Plunge | Anchorage, AK | Law Office of Jennifer Messick LawIt’s winter, and you’re already cold. So why not stay cold for a great cause?

This month, Special Olympics Alaska is “freezin’ for a reason,” hosting the 2013 Polar Plunge.

A favorite of many in the community, the Polar Plunge is a fundraiser that benefits Special Olympics Alaska. During the Polar Plunge, participants gather pledges, then plunge into Goose Lake’s frigid water. Last year, more than 1,200 Alaskans took the plunge, and more than 5,000 others donated. [Read more…]

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